Imeachtaí agus Nuashonruithe

Imeachtaí TAMHI

Fáilte go dtí ár leathanach imeachtaí! Anseo ag TAMHI, táimid paiseanta faoi shláinte mheabhrach dhearfach agus athléimneacht a chur chun cinn trí chumhacht an spóirt. Mar charthanacht meabhair-shláinte atá lonnaithe i dTuaisceart Éireann, oibrímid go dlúth le clubanna spóirt, scoileanna agus grúpaí óige chun meabhairshláinte a dhéanamh tarraingteach agus spraíúil.

Ar an leathanach seo, coinneoimid ar an eolas thú faoi na himeachtaí go léir atá le teacht a mbeimid ag óstáil nó ag glacadh páirt iontu. Ó cheardlanna agus chainteanna go gníomhaíochtaí agus cluichí uathúla, tá ár gcur chuige dírithe ar chumas na ngrúpaí pobail a mhéadú chun teagmháil a dhéanamh lena mbaill i maidir le meabhairshláinte.


October 2024- Glenavon FC

The Irish Football Association Ahead of the Game Glenavon FCGlenavon FC Academy 57 players and 7 coaches (biggest workshop delivered to date).

Great engagement and contribution from the lads. Absolute pleasure to deliver 🙌

Tuilleadh Pictiúir

October 2024- Assumption Grammar

Assumption Grammar

The National Lottery Community Fund Northern Ireland Leadership programme KO. The leaders are now ready to rock and roll out a programme to raise awareness throughout the year.

#feasacht meabhairshláinte

Tuilleadh Pictiúir

October 2024- St Ronan’s College

St Ronan’s College Lurgan Senior and Junior leaders trained in Tamhi Ag Dul i nGleic le Feasacht ar Cheisteanna Meabhairshláinte Mental Wealth Games.

Great craic and a new game for Primary School kids created 👏 through outstanding innovation.

Looking forward to the role out of the programme throughout term 😀

The National Lottery Community Fund Northern Ireland

Tuilleadh Pictiúir

October 2024- Thank You Barn Youth Academy

Huge thank you to Barn Youth Academy🙏 for kind donation of £150 towards one box one smile raised at a penalty competition 😀

Fantastic meeting about The National Lottery Community Fund Northern Ireland programme kicking off in January. Barn United coaches have took part in our games based session and have been a club that connects when it comes to mental health.

We are really grateful for the guidance given in relation to the upcoming campaigns and videos and will take on board the thoughts.

Love working with clubs who value mental health awareness 👏

Tuilleadh Pictiúir

October 2024- Trip to Ballymena GAA clubs

Fantastic session testing proof of concept in preparation for full out of The National Lottery Community Fund Northern Ireland project in 30.clubs starring Children Mental Health week 2025

We are testing the Queen’s University Belfast co design delivery and making final adjustments to the overall programme and the key delivery mechanisms as well as challenges 😀

Honestly brilliant session in Con Magee Gac, Glenravel , with coaches/committee and players Glenravel – Gleann Fhreabhail GAA . Its vital we test rural groups as well as urban.

Great feedback and hopefully the foundations set to support the club going forward 👍

Tuilleadh Pictiúir

October 2024- Mount Lourdes

Schools Leading Wellbeing

23 leaders from @Mount Lourdes completed the practical element of the training. Great feedback, great energy and fantastic future leaders 👏

The National Lottery Community Fund Northern Ireland

Tuilleadh Pictiúir

October 2024- Future partnerships

At Waterworks Sport thanks for the post.

Joe from Tamhi Ag Dul i nGleic le Feasacht ar Cheisteanna Meabhairshláinte over with us on World Mental Health day discussing working in collaboration for future projects and a potential service to support those in need 👌🏼

We hoped you enjoyed your Coffee from Heart of the North ☕️

The National Lottery Community Fund Northern Ireland

Tuilleadh Pictiúir

October 2024- 22nd Old Boys

Great to see 22nd using our games to raise Mental Health awareness

Tonight we delivered information around mental health from ahead of the game tool kit from Tamhi Ag Dul i nGleic le Feasacht ar Cheisteanna Meabhairshláinte. The boys played some choice ball and other games from the tool kit to raise awareness around mental health.


Tuilleadh Pictiúir

Ar mhaith leat a bheith páirteach ?

Tugaimid cuireadh duit a bheith linn agus a bheith mar chuid dár n-iarrachtaí. Más mian leat a bheith páirteach, ná bíodh aon leisce ort teagmháil a dhéanamh linn
