Imeachtaí agus Nuashonruithe

Imeachtaí TAMHI

Fáilte go dtí ár leathanach imeachtaí! Anseo ag TAMHI, táimid paiseanta faoi shláinte mheabhrach dhearfach agus athléimneacht a chur chun cinn trí chumhacht an spóirt. Mar charthanacht meabhair-shláinte atá lonnaithe i dTuaisceart Éireann, oibrímid go dlúth le clubanna spóirt, scoileanna agus grúpaí óige chun meabhairshláinte a dhéanamh tarraingteach agus spraíúil.

Ar an leathanach seo, coinneoimid ar an eolas thú faoi na himeachtaí go léir atá le teacht a mbeimid ag óstáil nó ag glacadh páirt iontu. Ó cheardlanna agus chainteanna go gníomhaíochtaí agus cluichí uathúla, tá ár gcur chuige dírithe ar chumas na ngrúpaí pobail a mhéadú chun teagmháil a dhéanamh lena mbaill i maidir le meabhairshláinte.


July 2024- Updating TAMHI logo

We have worked to improve our logo so that it now includes Mental Health Charity this will now be used on all our branding going forward.

Tuilleadh Pictiúir

July 2024- NIWFA at Girdwood

Few pics (professional ones on route) from Northern Ireland Women's Football Association 7 aside Mol Pobail Girdwood

14 teams and over 150 women present. Huge shout out to Amy and Meabh for helping pull it together and Patricia and Valerie fot their support on the day. Also the 3 refs who where outstanding.

Loved catching up with a few friends in the football community 🙌

Mental Health was the winner and it was nothing short of an amazing day.

Tuilleadh Pictiúir

July 2024- Catch up at Shorts

Great catch up with Darren from Shorts Football Club to talk about the amazing progress of the Wellbeing Hub and the development of the Forgotten Footballers programme.

Always great to pop into clubs and see sustained progress and future potential. I loved the ethos of creating a culture of support for players and a pathway for young players into the senior team underpinned by values of respect and support 👏

Tuilleadh Pictiúir

July 2024- Thank You David

Huge thank you to David from Grove Athletic FC

Yesterday they played @santos fc in a football game at Seaview and raised £275.00 for TAMHI

We where delighted to give him a TAMHI shirt and Hat for our cold summer nights 🌙

David has supported TAMHI for years and is a true champion of Mental Health 👏

Tuilleadh Pictiúir

July 2024- Girdwood football summer scheme

Day 1 of Good Relations Mol Pobail Girdwood Good News at Girdwood as we focus on promoting Girdwood as a Shared Space with Ár gClub Ár bPobal supported by Comhairle Cathrach Bhéal Feirste

Tuilleadh Pictiúir

June 2024- Belfast Royal Academy Raising money for TAMHI

After a cool, overcast start to this morning’s route, the temperatures began to rise on the Camino trail from Hornillos del Camino to Castrojeriz.

The pupils are raising money for Tamhi Tackling Awareness of Mental Health Issues

Tuilleadh Pictiúir

June 2024- Joe awarded Leading the future Cert

Leading for the Future

Nice wee mini graduation with CO3 Chief Officers 3rd Sector agus Ollscoil Uladh

I always neglected my own personal development, and when this opportunity came along for a funded Department for the Economy NI Leadership programme, I jumped at the chance.

Great to learn a lot that will help influence our work in TAMHI and also to build a network of amazing people 😀

Tuilleadh Pictiúir

June 2024-Workshop with Intelling for Mens Mental Health Week

Mens Health Week 2024

Brilliant workshop with Intelling with 21 men in attendance 👏👌

Tuilleadh Pictiúir

Ar mhaith leat a bheith páirteach ?

Tugaimid cuireadh duit a bheith linn agus a bheith mar chuid dár n-iarrachtaí. Más mian leat a bheith páirteach, ná bíodh aon leisce ort teagmháil a dhéanamh linn
