T.A.M.H.I for Post Primary Schools


Watch our short video to understand exactly how we can help your school

Join other schools in delivering TAMHI Mental Wealth Games

Our work is aligned with the "Children & Young People's Emotional Health & Wellbeing in Education Framework"

Important Mental Health Dates 2023

5 - 11 February

Children Mental Health Week

13 - 19 May

Mental Health Awareness Week

10 September

World Suicide Awareness Day

10 October

World Mental Health Awareness Day

11 - 17 November

Anti-Bullying Week

Example Game Lesson Plans for Post Primary Schools

This course is aimed at post primary schools to help promote mental health through play and sport though our resources. This license gives you access to Game Tutorials, Game Cards and resources that will enable you to deliver in your settings.

The games cover: – Six session plans focus on promoting wellbeing through play, for the wellbeing champions will then cover anti-bullying through three specific games, the next three sessions will cover “wellbeing day”.

What the games will cover

Our Work is aligned with the "Children & Young People's Emotional Health & Wellbeing in Education Framework.

We use games & activities to raise awareness of mental health

Our programme aimes to promote:

- Anti-Bullying
- Relationship Goals
- Impact of your choices
- Anxiety/ Worry
- Take 5 Steps for Wellbeing 
- Overcoming problems
Our mental wealth games model helps promote social & emotional learning (SEL) which:

- Teaches SEL skills for teachers / school leaders
- Provides games and activities that can be rolled out throughout the year especially around key world dates: World Mental Health Day (October), Anti Bullying Week (November), Children's Mental Health Week (February) & Mental Health Week (May) providing a calendar and programme to build on SEL.
- Use a SAFE curriculum: Sequential, active, focused & explicit.
- Schools can reinforce SE skills through a whole school methods and activities.
TAMHI adopts the CASEL Wheel which promotes "Self-Awareness", "Self Management", "Responsible Decision Making", "Relationship Skills" and "Social Awareness" and these are all aligned to the education Framework.
- Self Awareness
- Motivation (Fall under TAMHI "Responsible Decision Making"
- Self-Management
- Social Awareness
- Resilience & Coping ("Relationship skills and decision making"
Our programme has been evaluated and is evidence based. You can read the independent reports below & watch the feedback from teachers & pupils who have benefited from taking part.
Our programme, if adopted, provides teachers/school leaders with an opportunity to roll out a fun, engaging programme over the duration of the year rather than a "one off" which evidence shows is less effective.
By adopting our programme, you can roll out a series of fun, engaging wellbeing activities that reinforce positive messages and empower young people to talk about their wellbeing but also come up with their own games and methods to increase understanding. Our programme sits within the "Wellbeing for all" aspect of the wellbeing framework.
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Families & caregivers
Self awareness


Communities. Community partners often provide safe and developmentally rich settings for learning and development, have deep understanding of community needs and assets, are seen as trusted partners by families and students, and have connections to additional supports and services that school and families need. Community programs also offer opportunities for young people to practice their social and emotional skills in settings that are both personally relevant and can open opportunities for their future. To integrate SEL efforts across the school day and out-of-school time, school staff and community partners should align on common language and coordinate strategies and communication around SEL-related efforts and initiatives.

Learn more: CASEL Guide to Schoolwide SEL – Community Partnerships

Families & Caregivers

Families & Caregivers. When schools and families form authentic partnerships, they can build strong connections that reinforce students’ social and emotional development. Families and caregivers are children’s first teachers, and bring deep expertise about their development, experiences, culture, and learning needs. These insights and perspectives are critical to informing, supporting, and sustaining SEL efforts. Research suggests that evidence-based SEL programs are more effective when they extend into the home, and families are far more likely to form partnerships with schools when their schools’ norms, values, and cultural representations reflect their own experiences. Schools need inclusive decision-making processes that ensure that families—particularly those from historically marginalized groups—are part of planning, implementing, and continuously improving SEL.

Schools can also create other avenues for family partnership that may include creating ongoing two-way communication with families, helping caregivers understand child development, helping teachers understand family backgrounds and cultures, providing opportunities for families to volunteer in schools, extending learning activities and discussions into homes, and coordinating family services with community partners. These efforts should engage families in understanding, experiencing, informing, and supporting the social and emotional development of their students.

Learn more: CASEL Guide to Schoolwide SEL – Family Partnerships


Schools. Effectively integrating SEL schoolwide involves ongoing planning, implementation, evaluation, and continuous improvement by all members of the school community. SEL efforts both contribute to and depend upon a school climate where all students and adults feel respected, supported, and engaged.

Because the school setting includes many contexts—classrooms, hallways, cafeteria, playground, bus—fostering a healthy school climate and culture requires active engagement from all adults and students. A strong school culture is rooted in students’ sense of belonging, with evidence that suggests that it plays a crucial role in students’ engagement. SEL also offers an opportunity to enhance existing systems of student support by integrating SEL goals and practices with universal, targeted, and intensive academic and behavioral supports. By coordinating and building upon SEL practices and programs, schools can create an environment that infuses SEL into every part of students’ educational experience and promotes positive social, emotional, and academic outcomes for all students.

Learn more: CASEL Guide to Schoolwide SEL


Classrooms. Research has shown that social and emotional competence can be enhanced using a variety of classroom-based approaches such as: (a) explicit instruction through which social and emotional skills and attitudes are taught and practiced in developmentally, contextually, and culturally responsive ways; (b) teaching practices such as cooperative learning and project-based learning; and (c) integration of SEL and academic curriculum such as language arts, math, science, social studies, health, and performing arts. High-quality SEL instruction has four elements represented by the acronym SAFE: Sequenced – following a coordinated set of training approaches to foster the development of competencies; Active – emphasizing active forms of learning to help students practice and master new skills; Focused – implementing curriculum that intentionally emphasizes the development of SEL competencies; and Explicit – defining and targeting specific skills, attitudes, and knowledge.

SEL instruction is carried out most effectively in nurturing, safe environments characterized by positive, caring relationships among students and teachers. To facilitate age-appropriate and culturally responsive instruction, adults must understand and appreciate the unique strengths and needs of each student and support students’ identities. When adults incorporate students’ personal experiences and cultural backgrounds and seek their input, they create an inclusive classroom environment where students are partners in the educational process, elevating their own agency. Strong relationships between adults and students can facilitate co-learning, foster student and adult growth, and generate collaborative solutions to shared concerns.

Learn more: CASEL Guide to Effective SEL Programs


Self-awareness: The abilities to understand one’s own emotions, thoughts, and values and how they influence behavior across contexts. This includes capacities to recognize one’s strengths and limitations with a well-grounded sense of confidence and purpose.

Such as:

  • Integrating personal and social identities
  • Identifying personal, cultural, and linguistic assets
  • Identifying one’s emotions
  • Demonstrating honesty and integrity
  • Linking feelings, values, and thoughts
  • Examining prejudices and biases
  • Experiencing self-efficacy
  • Having a growth mindset
  • Developing interests and a sense of purpose

Check out this video from PBS Learning Media for more information.


Self-management: The abilities to manage one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors effectively in different situations and to achieve goals and aspirations. This includes the capacities to delay gratification, manage stress, and feel motivation and agency to accomplish personal and collective goals.

Such as:

  • Managing one’s emotions
  • Identifying and using stress management strategies
  • Exhibiting self-discipline and self-motivation
  • Setting personal and collective goals
  • Using planning and organizational skills
  • Showing the courage to take initiative
  • Demonstrating personal and collective agency

Check out this video from PBS Learning Media for more information.

Social Awareness

Social awareness: The abilities to understand the perspectives of and empathize with others, including those from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and contexts. This includes the capacities to feel compassion for others, understand broader historical and social norms for behavior in different settings, and recognize family, school, and community resources and supports.

Such as:

  • Taking others’ perspectives
  • Recognizing strengths in others
  • Demonstrating empathy and compassion
  • Showing concern for the feelings of others
  • Understanding and expressing gratitude
  • Identifying diverse social norms, including unjust ones
  • Recognizing situational demands and opportunities
  • Understanding the influences of organizations and systems on behavior

Check out this video from PBS Learning Media for more information.

Relationship Skills

Relationship skills: The abilities to establish and maintain healthy and supportive relationships and to effectively navigate settings with diverse individuals and groups. This includes the capacities to communicate clearly, listen actively, cooperate, work collaboratively to problem solve and negotiate conflict constructively, navigate settings with differing social and cultural demands and opportunities, provide leadership, and seek or offer help when needed.

Such as:

  • Communicating effectively
  • Developing positive relationships
  • Demonstrating cultural competency
  • Practicing teamwork and collaborative problem-solving
  • Resolving conflicts constructively
  • Resisting negative social pressure
  • Showing leadership in groups
  • Seeking or offering support and help when needed
  • Standing up for the rights of others

Check out this video from PBS Learning Media for more information.


Responsible Decision-Making

Responsible decision-making: The abilities to make caring and constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions across diverse situations. This includes the capacities to consider ethical standards and safety concerns, and to evaluate the benefits and consequences of various actions for personal, social, and collective well-being.

Such as:

  • Demonstrating curiosity and open-mindedness
  • Learning how to make a reasoned judgment after analyzing information, data, and facts
  • Identifying solutions for personal and social problems
  • Anticipating and evaluating the consequences of one’s actions
  • Recognizing how critical thinking skills are useful both inside and outside of school
  • Reflecting on one’s role to promote personal, family, and community well-being
  • Evaluating personal, interpersonal, community, and institutional impacts

Check out this video from PBS Learning Media for more information.

Social & Emotional Learning

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.

SEL advances educational equity and excellence through authentic school-family-community partnerships to establish learning environments and experiences that feature trusting and collaborative relationships, rigorous and meaningful curriculum and instruction, and ongoing evaluation. SEL can help address various forms of inequity and empower young people and adults to co-create thriving schools and contribute to safe, healthy, and just communities.


Welcome to the post primary resources section of T.A.M.H.I
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Some additional online resources 

NSPCC Online Safety

We won’t stop until every child is safe online.

Together we can make sure it’s safe for every child to go online. We’re here to support parents with online safety advice, and we’re here for children – to protect them and help them recover from abuse.

Cara Friend

Cara-Friend has been serving and empowering the LGBTQIA+ community in Northern Ireland since 1974
Click here

Autism NI

Autism NI is Northern Ireland’s longest serving autism charity and training provider, and we work to provide life changing services for over 35,000 autistic people and their families through Northern Ireland.

We campaign to inspire and educate local people, communities, businesses and government to ensure everyone can understand autism, and how to support autistic people .
Click here


The experiences we have early in life, especially in childhood, significantly influence our growth, development, physical and mental health, as well as our thoughts, feelings, and behaviour.

Two crucial factors to consider for mental wellbeing are the quality of our attachment relationships and our experience of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES).
Click here

Some lovely feedback from some of our post primary students

Primary School Evidence Based Programme £200 per year

Click here to secure your school programme license

Mind-Full Play

This course is for Post Primary schools to use these resources to help promote mental health through play and sport. This license gives you access to Game Tutorials, Game Cards and resources that will enable you to deliver in your settings.

The games cover:
Relationship Goals
Impact of your choices
Anxiety/ Worry
Take 5 Steps for Wellbeing
Overcoming problems.
Access This Course

CASEL’s Framework

Schools, districts, states, and others can use CASEL’s Framework to:
Foster knowledge, skills, and attitudes across five areas of social and emotional competence;
Establish equitable learning environments and coordinate practices across four key settings that support students’ social, emotional, and academic development.
Find Out More

Independent Feedback
