Resilient Active Youth

RAY Stands for Resilient Active Youth. RAY is a group of young people who come from all different backgrounds from all parts of north Belfast. RAY is designed to upskill and mentor young people to become leaders of the future. Mentoring and coaching them adding vital skills to benefit them in their future. RAY helps alongside other parts of TAMHI to; complete events like our Easter egg and Christmas selection box drops in our local communities, organise fundraising events, coach in youth centres and schools and social action projects.

Resilient Active Youth News

March 2023

Easter 🐣 1Egg=1Smile campaign

Giving out over 800 Easter eggs, our guys out in Girdwood what a cracking day lots of happy faces.


Jan 2023

Prison Island

Our Ray out at Prison Island a nice treat after all their hard work delivering over 1000 selection boxes to the public creating over 1000 smiles, they should all be very proud of themselves as we are. 


Dec 2022

RAY Prize giving night

Big congratulations to Ellen McNamara winning RAY Leader of the Year.

Orla Vernon won most improved Leader of the year.

Well done for all your hard work this year.


Dec 2022

Raising Awareness of mental health

Our RAY where out at a stall engaging with the public and raising awareness of mental health through flyers and conversation.


Dec 2022

1Box-1Smile Campaign

The highlight of Christmas to some of our young leaders we really do enjoy seeing peoples faces light up when we hand them a selection box.  


Nov 2022


Abseiling of Belfast Castle at night (lucky none are a scared of the dark) we will not take about the height. What a great experience 400ft above sea level no better view of Belfast. Not only did they abseil down they also supported our friends from Regent house who also took part and raised money for TAMHI.


Nov 2022

Christmas prep

After collecting all the money now is the time that we get everything organised for the 1Box=1Smile campaign.


Nov 2022

Fund raising

RAY working hard raising the all-important money to pay for the selection boxes that will be handed out in the next few weeks. Some chefs of the future cooking some tasty treats to raise extra money for our 1box=1smile campaign.


July 2022

Donegal Trip

Cross border trip to Donegal where are amazing young leaders delivered and trained over 20 youths from Donegal and Letterkenny area in our Mental Wealth Games, a big thank you to co-operation Ireland for looking after us all. The residential we had a blast.


Would you like to get involved ?

We invite you to join us and be a part of our efforts. If you would like to get involved, please don't hesitate to reach out to us
